
Friday, September 3, 2010

Surya -The sun

Surian in Tamil langauge means the Sun God,and i would like to clarify at the outset that this post has no connection what so ever with the Sun-god.It is more with reference to the human beings, with Surya as their names whom i had occasion to move with/learn about..

And believe it or not, true to the names the incumbents, whichever gender they belong to, exhibited the warmth, brightness and the energy like the sun.

I recall that in my memory path , the first reference to Surya is to one of the siblings of my close realtive.I used to visit their home when i was alone In New Delhi(due to job compulsions) and used to frequent their home.,during week ends.
POssibly a child at the age of 8 or 9 perhaps, she has always been roaming around with a smile which is natural which normally comes out when a person is not under a compulsion to smile.With both her parents employed, i have seen her taking care of her younger sibling (2 yerars younger) till her parents return.The hospitality shown to visitors is always a treat to watch.To top it all she has been continuously arank holder in her academics that she pursued.The seed shows the quality of the tree. And yes , now in her adult hood she is employed with one of the leading financial institutions in MUMBAI and is perhaps taking home a salary , at double the levels of mine(which i have started drwaing only an year back!!.The point is not about the money /salary. The point is that even as of now, she is the same old kid Surya , in her approach, attitude marked with pleasantness, and the brilliance.

The next Surya, is the one belonging to Bolly wood.Perhaps i have seen almost all his movies though i am not a regular movie goer.What has impressed me about him, other than his acting talents is his sincerity of love when he wedded Jothiga, his coactress, possibly surmounting the family obstacles and patiently waiting to win any one and everyone's support for the same in due course of time.And his contribution to the society.Quite a few actors have been conscious of the society and have been contributing their mite(my first idol in this regard is KAMAL) , but the way in which Surya has started his association with noble causes (even before he became a celebrity so to say) including his participation in 'SAVE THE TIGER COMPAIGN" show his down to earth personality and the deep concerns that he has to wards uplifting society and his love for animals too.(i am specifically drawing reference to his love for animals as those who are capable of love , love every thing...human or other wise..and that is the major grandeur in be in a position to love, whether it is reciprocated or not, for true love brings the harmony and peace within).

My last reference to Surya, is to a kid, hardly 2 years old.I remember the occasion when i went for the Seemantham celebration,to mUmbai, when the kid was in the womb of its mother waiting to see the world.Then the dawn arrived and so also Surya. The next time it was when i went to spend some time with my son who was working in Mumbai, who had the lively company of little Surya to give him some smile and comfort whenever he returns from a busy day at office, lonely and tired. And when i visited tahn i was attracted by 2 main features, one the dark,beautiful and energetic eyes and the second, its smile, readily available as and when you call the kid by its name.The third occasion was in Oppiliappan temple, the event being the first birthday of the kid, when its dark , dangling hair all over the head, had been cleanly shaven., a dazzling "mottai" in tamil, and i love "mottais" and i get happiness by a touch of such young children .And when ever i touched, Surya acknowledged with a smile.Then in the recent fortnight when i had been to Bhopal to visit my siter.Surya has also arrived with his patients. And two days with Surya, the games that we played(a fifty eight year old with a two year old), the echoing sounds which Surya emiited, the tingling of laughter all tru the day, the teasing moments we encountered when Surya gave a nice kiss to every one , except my wife who was begging for it almost from the time she arrived(Surya compensated later by hugging her and kissing her in exchnge for some "kalkandu")Alas , she has to bribe the child for a kiss, where as we all got it as a matter of right..Enough stuff for me to keep teasing my wife on that count ...

Children are really a reflection of the God.Their presence and their nearness is adequate to give you a smile and comfort.Possibly it is the quality exhibited from the child hood which mark the later part of life as an adult. If that is true,Surya, the kid, is going to tempt women around him in days to come with his teasing smiles, mischivous cries, and hide and seek games.And yes, the eyes are going to be his weapons to destroy the opposition, in split seconds..Glory to Surya..


  1. Splendid post (ap)pa :) I love all the three Suryas too!!! :) :) :)

    A few corrections: it is Jothika in English not JothiGa (perhaps namma mother tongue influence I think). And instead of Kolywood you have typed Bollywood.

    Enjoyed reading it! I am still gushing with gratitude towards both Suryas in our family! :D

  2. Great to learn about the recent developments of all the suryas from your thoughts.

  3. Hi,

    Sorry for the mistakes, which continue in abundance..

