
Monday, June 7, 2010


India can be proud of its rich traditions and its belief in the proverb"better late than never".

Yes 28 years after the great trajedy struck at Bhopal , the court has given its verdict.A paltry sum of Rs 25000 or so as fine and two years of imprisonment to those found guilty.

As expected there were angry protests, including from the law minister who went on to declare that justice is buried deep.Wonderful compliment to the judicial system prevalent in India from a person no less than the LAW MINISTER.India's flag will fly high(dry!!) in the world.

The cause of accident is Methyl Iso Cyanide, which if not kept freezed at a particular temperature is likely to react and produce deadly gas which if smelt will result in disaster.(If you recall KAMAL'S MOVIE Thasavatharam, same such logic forms the back bone of the story).The temperature at which it shall be kept is around 10 degrees and the records and reports indicate that the same has always been kept at a temperature of 21 degrees and the logic is its boiling point is 31 degrees. Added logic is that Bhopal being in central part of India will be experiencing heavy cold (TEMPERATURES DROP DOWN TO -2 to 3 degrees at times) and therefore the assumption that no damage will be done.But every assumption went astray on that fateful day -2/12/1984 which acted as Hitlers Gas chamber for thousands of innocent people living near the Union Carbide factory. There were also lacs of people who suffred in silence with out even knowing the cause of the same. Hundreds of pregnant women either suffered an immediate abortion or those survived gave birth to children with deformities.

All hue and cry raised at that point of time succumbed to the way in which the country and its legal system works . The great BHARATH known for its leniency (the recent example is the Mumbai attack where fierce discussions are still going on about the judgement given to the culprit)oblivious to the cry and pain inflicted on its citizens took its own time and the judgement is atlast delivered.Hence the two formulas as under:

2/12/1984+Methyl Isocyanide=20000 dead + 5lacs decapacitated
20000 dead+5 lacs decapacitated=Rs 25000+2 years imprisonment

Wonderful.That is the value of human lives in Our country. All the ministers and the government which are now showing their resentment have not done any thing to speed up the trial or to ensure that the guilty are severely punished. They allowed the victims to suffer in silence and now have made the judiciary as scapegoat and in the process smeared our image in the eyes of the world.hip hip hurray#

Bharath , the famous Bharath, will now be looked upon as an easy prey, as a country wherein the Government itself do not believe in its judiciary, as a country wherein any alien force can do any thing and still get away with it , a country wherein the law abiding opeople will keep their hope on the Government and the judiciary only to find that they have no time to settle their own internal squabbles.



  1. Strong and telling post pa. And yes the flow of the argument was both smoothly coherent and passionate!

  2. Damn good post I say. Even guy who steals bread gets better punishment. It high time we make our laws stringent. But these bloody politicians wont agree to pass the bill x-(

    No wonder all efficient governments have not been democracies
