
Thursday, July 26, 2012

What impressed me most thiis week!!:

The week started with thick clouds, but rains no where in consonance with density of clouds. It was in trickles , but any thing is welcome by the lands which had become hot and dry with continuing hotspells.The worst feared NANO effect is likley to bring disturbing days and nigyhts, if the trend is not reversed in time.And what impressed me in this spell was th availability of electricity all most round the clock and the voltage fluctuation being all moost under control.Whether i owe it ti TNEB or to lower temperatures is another million dollar question with no answers so far. The news of Abhishek Bachhan & Ishwarya Roy going in for piercing their ears to keep company with their kid, during the earboring ceremony brou ghtto me memories of the function(27 YEARS BACK) when my son was undergoing the same pain with a gold smith who is not an expert in the field and my loosing temper with him and deciding against piercing his ears once and for all, Had i not done that perhaps he might have had half a dozen PhD s by now:).pARENTS ARE PARENT ALWAYS ,Is it not?? And the two one dayers , one beuatifully fought and balanced while the other , simply one country;s upmanship against the other, at Srilnka.Still Ghambir, Raina and LAST BUT NOT THE LEAST Virat kohli hold the key to Indians comimg baack in the tournament.Shevak's sensible innings in the first match was also a welcome sign.What happened to Zahir Khan's bowling talents is another disturbing question to be answered. Then there was a news item of a mother in law donating her kidneys to her DAGHTER in law when serial after serials were projecting the discomfort and misundestanding of the relationship from time to time. Let such models grow in size. Olympics is due in London and quite a few of my close fiends/relatives live there. I wish the function to be held devoid of any unfortuante incidents as time and again such Global events become the target of hooligans and militants to show their mite. What followed after the killing of innoscent few in a theatre at US was still mmore unbelievable. The killer's room had enough detonator to kill a whole street in which he lived. The movie "vettAyadu vilayadu" came to my mind as the room in which the killers are aprehended by Kamal in the movie is simiolar to the one in which the real killer , in the present issue had lived. Yes, movies are not mere fictions and they depict reality. LAST BUT NOT THE LEAST, AFTER A GAP I WAS TREATED TO THE poetic beauty of my son when he described the twin rain bows in his latest blog post. One must read to feel it... More to follow later


  1. Appa:

    What connection is there between having one's ears pierced and PhD's? Anyway, half a dozen yellaam konjam wover. rende mudikkala, adhukkee naDu mandaila hair-a kaaNam :D

    The case of the mother in law's donating her kidneys to her daughter in law is as inspiring as the news of the shootings at the cinema hall in Denver were shocking. I wonder if the victims of the tragedy will ever recover at all - particularly in those cases where old parents might have lost their children in the flushing prime of youth (I hope I am wrong!)

  2. Hi
    LET ME ANSWER this and the earlier one.
    There is some thing known as mass psychology IN WHICH ALL THE NIMAL INSTINCTS FIND A WAY OUT or the pent up emotions get an outlet. People who are other wise known to have arecord of descipline and decorum behave in the osr shocking way and this perhaps had happened at Maruthi factory. But the subsequent news items which appeared made it known that it was a well planned attack and the investifgations will bring the truth!!But then all said and done the real victims are his family members.

    Coming to piercing of years, it has been proved that the piercing of years help in activating a brain cell which is responsible for memory power, brain's utility and varied interests with passion.Hope you now understand,/

    And abt the loss of hair, let us both admit that it is our failure in keeping the hair neat, healthy and tidy.Poor PhD HAS NOT CONTRIBUTED TO RECEDING LINES.
