The news of India Registering its win by 5 wikets in their third one day match,against SriLanka, thanks to some sensible knocks by Gambhir,Raina and Irfan Pathan, made the happy reading in Sunday;s newspapers.Ofcourse nowadays people (that incldes me too ) have started wondering as to how many of these games are played so as to get the results as its outcome or whether results (i,e which side to win ) is first decided and then the game is played to reach that result!!However this comment should not however be construed to undermine the knocks of these three batsmen, who had been consistent performers in their outings in recent series,And all said and done, when
one's nation wins, it gives a sence of satisfaction, nodoubt about it.
Pat came the call from Yonus bhoy, immediateky after he went thru my forward post in Ramayana , wherein the author has succinctly and beautifully narrated Ramayana with each word beginning with the first letter in TAMIL .That is the quickest and an enjoyable response. Younus bHOY IN HIS OWN WAY made a comprehensive analysis of the 'forward' and was all praise for its author , which has been duly passed on by me.It requires, understanding, benevolence and a broad heart to openly acknowledge and admire a good work of a person, especially when the work relates to a Regious belief which is not the same as the one which one follows.That precisely adds to the greatness of Younus Bhoy.MAY PEOPLE OF HIS TRIBE, MULTIFOLD.
Then there was a news item of a Hindu Establisment, serving Vdas and Kanji, in Triplicane area to all the fasting brethern during the entire period of Ramzan festival.Not the first time, but allmost for the past two decases. My salutations to
such entities which aim in bonding the relationship of mankind.
Another item which made me to sit and scream related to a scntific discovery made in Pakistan.It is the news regarding a car being run on water, instead of petrol.It is claimed that a litre of water can eneble a car to run 40 kms while a two wheeler can run 150 kms.So there is a solution to the ever increasing price of fuel.In the same breath another worry entered my mind. When water levls them selves are dropping (and with predictions that a third world war will be only for water) how do one can substitute water as a fuel!!More discoveries are needed then:)
And the flavour of hot tea(prepared with Thulasi and Rose petals) served by my wife frcefully remove me to take a gulp at it and so i sign off with promise to return sooner than later.
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