
Wednesday, May 25, 2011

welcome home

It looked as of i was bidding fare well to my son only yesterday.To be precise on 17th Decemeber 2010.And almost 6 months have passed since then with flying speed.

The fact that for major part of that period of 6 months, i was involved with my annual closing work (which commenced in Feb 2011 and culminated in May 2011)enabled me not to feel his absence too much.

But then the same is not the case with his mom and sister who used to interact with him on all issues under the sun.To me too with the marriage date of my daughter nearing (it is about 10 days from now) his absence was increasingly making a dent on my other wise so called :)balanced approach to issues, as my son used to dispassionately think on issues (For his age and experience it was remarkable on his part to stay away form the issue and then to approach the same ) and then to offer his comments.

Now that he is arriving today every minute will be spent to share with him everything that happened in the past 6 months during his absence , including the nitty gritty details of the preparations towards the marriage, the losse ends that are yet to be tied up, the betrothal functionthat went on in his absence and so on and so forth.It is not that he will be demanding the finer details , but that is the way in which his mom will approach the issue and i can bet that the nights to follow , which normally extend up to 12 midnight for retiring to bed, will probably extend to the early morning dawn to the accompanying voices of the birds.

He will have his own agenda, friends to meet, marriages to attend, experiences to share , trips to be made to other outstations etc.But then there will be a slot already carved out by him, in his immaculate palnning.And before we know, his holidays will come to an end.Any way that is future..

The "present" is filled with expectations of joy, music, sound of wedding bells for his couple of friends and sister and a union after 6 months back home.
Let this present moments be memorable in every sence of the word/These moments alone are going to be the energy pills for him to sustain his pursuit overeas till we meet again.


Saturday, May 7, 2011


I can not claim myself to be a mother's pet.In fact i had always been close to my dad , despite the fact that my father is a man of few words and seldom has shown his affection distinctly.Perhaps his presence near by, his masculinity, his way of doing things (in which you could always see perfection and a touch of class) made me close to him.THAT DOES NOT HOWEVER MEAN I WAS DISTANT FROM MY MOTHER.

Contrary to my father, my mother is very amiable and social.She can become friend in a matter of minutes with any one and every one.She is innoscent in many ways and would always look like a child, when my father is around.But her greatest attraction is her readiness to mix with people in very affectionate manner.In no time she will come out with complete deatils of the person with whom she has engaged in conversation hardly a few minutes back.

And she is an adaptor.Whether it be managing the ends and means in the salary of my father (If i remember correct it was hardly Rs 300 or so in those days in which we six children are to be taken care of, besides the never ending steam of visitors)or managing the home later in the salary of my brother , in a hut sort dwelling unit, near oppiliappan koil, before he got married,(where my father and mother stayed for coule of years and befor i got married)she had always been at ease.She is capable of preparing something or other with wahtever left out in the house and make it appear to be a decent meal for the visitors.She is very quick, agile and very silent when it comes to cooking(a point where in even today i pick up qualrrels with my loving wife).You will never know when she was in the kitchen, when she was out and when she prepared all those tasty foods.(Items are far and few but each of which has a taste of its own).

And when ever we have gone out she will be like a MAHARANI.Yes, my father was a railway employee and as a result he used to get Free PASS for himself and his family each year. But he has seldom used. AND WHENEVER HE USED IT ,the person who cherished every moment of it is my mother.And that would be clearly visible in her face. Even other wise she always used to be smiling and during such trips the smile will be writ across the entire movements of hers.And it would have a cascding effect on all of us and that is why those journeys are ever green in memeory.

I have learnt quite a few things from her in my childhood. The important one is to pray (and the earliest of slogas to me is taught by her which i narrate even today), to play as and when possible( i do not recollect any instance when either my father or my mother has asked me to stop playing and start studying)and to eat well. At any time of the day, whether it be morning, noon or even midnight (even after i got married and there is a wife taking care of all my needs with out batting an eye lid)she used to ask me whether i had my food. At times it would even sound irritating to me and my wife as she would have seen me having the meal and washing the plates etc.Still that is the way she has shown her affection and concern.AS she is not serving the food (Which she used to do when we were youngsters)the desire to do the same is relected by her questions.I NOW RECALL WITH AFFECTION THE MEANING BEHIND HER ACTIONS, when i myself query my daughter/son irrespective of the time zone in which they operate as to whether they had the food and what food they ate etc.It is the "Mother's touch" in the famous words of KB.

At this hour, years after my mother has passed away,i do not know whether i have shown her as much affection and love as she had shown to me.To be honest, i am poor in my showing my love and affection to those around.THAT IS ONE OF THE REASONS WHY I HAVE FOUND MY SELF TO BE ALOOF AND ALONE(No regrets on that count however)with very few friends (one of them my dear son).This has helped me to understand what it is to be jovial, transparent, innoscent all at the same time , which are all the qualities of mother.

It may be too difficult to change at this age. But it give an opportunity to know the different dimensions in better perspective.

And i bow my head to my mother who enabled me appreciate the nuances of the same.
And as they said it is thw ife who takes the seat of a mother in mother's absence and it is the daughter who steps in to the role later as a mother.Each one of them have taught me lessons in their own inimitable stayle.(ABOUT WHICH A POST LATER ).


Wednesday, May 4, 2011

Birth of a balance sheet-experiences-A reflection over a decade

My tenth Annual Report(and 34 th meeet with the auditors, taking the quarterly reviews into account and leaving the lfar deliberations out of the count) , the last before retirement, has been successfully completed.

There were as usual scenes, tempers running wild and the need to play hot and cool all the time, never leaving focus on the ultimate Goal of being prepared in time for the Board meet.

There were issues , some of which requiring really deep attention and some of them never required to be considered at all , but all the same we are required to be on our toes to give the level of comfort desired by the auditors and their team.

There were equally issues concerning other departments which required varying degrees of attention and by and large all departments and the staff have risen to the occasion to ensure that the journey towards the goal is not faltered .However there were exceptions too and nothing could be done to bring them to realisation.

As i used to remark the pain of a mother while delivering the baby can atbest be felt only by another mother and any other person near by could possibly be only silent witnesses and however much they try they could not comprehend the intensity of pain.HAVING SAID THAT IT IS EQUALLY TRUE THAT THE JOY OF THE MOTHER WHO HAS DELIVERED THE BABY HALE AND HEALTHY again can be felt only by her or another mother in same stature and every other person near by can only participate in joy, but can not go thru the same intensity of joy perse.

Yes .I have experienced intense pain and have also gone thru immense joy when ever a balance sheet is finalised.The fact that i took upon it with out any choice but due to sheer quirk of events(call it destiny) did not in any way undermine the sincerity and passion with which i applied my self to the job.

Possibly any one could have done the same job, and possibly in better style.STILL THERE IS AN INNER SATISFACTION, THAT WITHIN MY OWN LIMITATIONS I HAVE DONE WHAT IS POSSIBLE AND GOOD FOR THE ORGANISATION to the best of my ability and true to my conscience.

And in this long journey lasting over a decade, friendship , invaluable on many counts ,with quite a few individuals ,who made a difference to the manner in which my perception about life has changed , has been developed.At the end of the day it is this friendship which matters a lot.

And ofcourse there are other positive features too. The grit and determination to fight all odds and to complete the work in time,the ability to understand the games that people play when they are in power or close to power, the quickness to understand the intensity of issues and to arrive a t a possible solution,the need to cultivate a warm working atmosphere and to be a role model for the successors to emulate, to point out with out fear mistakes(with out bias only to bring about an improvement) , to applaud when a person has delivered the goods with out trying to take credit for the same and sos on and so forth. The list is endless. In short the department has made me more perfect at this p[oint of time as compared to what i was when i entered the department a decade back.

During this journey there were bouquets as well as brick bats. But i have maintained my general balance for i knew that waht i do and i also knew i have never faultered my conscience.

At this time i must recall some of the wonderful collegues who made it possible for me to run the show with possible ease.

They are
JANARDHANREDDY,RUKMINI SRIKANT, MR PRABAKARAN,SARADAVANI,PARAMESWARAN,P.S.NATARAJAN,T.V.RAMANI ,RAJAGOPAL&RAMESH,MR PARTHA SARATHY(THERE IS NOTHING SPECIFIC ABOUT THE ORDER IN WHICH NAMES ARE LISTED.ALL OF THEM HAVE STOOD SHOULDER TO SHOULDER),.There are other collegues who have contributed in their own way (MR KRISHNAMURTHY in taking care of auditor''s requirements) and MR Raja (in extending all possible assistance in records maintenance and the retriaval there of).It is time to record my appreciation to each of them.

And of course series of DGMs and GMs WHO TOLERATED ME AND MY MOODS and still enabled me to perform what all i could perform.

Last but not the least some of the auditors who were instantly warm, helpful and prepared to address the issues for solUtions rather thAn for fault finding.(names not specified for obvious reasons)