Today is 17th Janauary 2011.Entire Tamil NADU and its population is enjoying a loong week end .Entire marina beach is flooded with people of diffrent communities, caste and creed all of which pale into insignificance in the vastness of the blue ocean and its waves.And that is where the smallness of human beings vis-a-vis the vastnes of universe comes into sheer contrast.
Counting from Friday last, thanks to the mercy of tamil nadu CM, the students and office goers alike are enjoying almost a week's holidays, considering taht many have the tendency to combine their leave with such long holidays. It is therefore not a surprise at all to see that the trains and buses are overcrowded and that the private operators are having a field day to charge whatever comes to their mind irrespective of the distance and the comfort they offer to their commuters.I pity the genuine travllers who are compelled to make a journey for an emergency in the midst of such maddening holiday crowds. But this phenomenon has come to stay and except for some screaming headlines about the huge hike in fairs and the pictures of crowds at the bus stand/railway stations in print media and TV nothing much happens.Governemnt is a silent spectator.
What i am worried more about is what happens after the holidays.Knowing the manner in which consumers are made to go from pilaar to post even during normal working days, what awaits them is a nightmare after the loong holidays, whether it is a government office or a BSNL office or a bank or and elecrici bills payment counters.Un mindfull of the agony of the waiting public, each of the staff will be narrating to each other about the thrilling !! experiences of their holiday visit, the shopping done, the movies seen, the TV progrmames witnessed and missed and so on and so forth.Essentilaly the waiting period for a common man will be the holidays plus 2 days prefixed and suffixed to enable the employees to come to their terms with the work Bu the time next week end will be staring at him/her.
I wonder the need for such long holidays.In FOREIGN COUNTRIES WHEN THEY WORK THEY WORK LIKE BULLS AND WHEN THEY REALX, they enjoy hoildays to its fullest extent.But we who ape the foreign countries for any thing and every thing do not have the basic courtesy to attend to a consumer with a smile after a long week end. Instead we pick up a quarrel on issues of no relevance and make the whole day/week to become mutually unrewarding for both.
This country has got brilliant brains, this country has got one of the youngest population, this country has got the potential , but there are no leaders to show the way, there are no politicians worth their name and fame and the media who can really do wonders by their presence are engaged in making the public to be total fools in front of an idiot box(supplying them free of cost and recovering the cost in less than 6 months by huge cable bills which itself is not known to the gullible public).
A change therefore is inevitable.And that lies in the hands of the educated youth.
And the youth are having not only a passion , they also have an appreciation of the difficulties that this country face with the existing mAsters and they have the trump card, the votes with them to change the destiny of this country. LeT THEM THINK , VOTE AND BRING ABOUT A CHANGE FOR BETTER IN ALL WALKS OF LIFE.
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