
Tuesday, August 3, 2010

better to spend ,rejoice than to save and loose

It is now almost 5 months from the date of death of my beloved elder brother.He suffered in silence till the end of his life, partly due to physical disabilities and partly due to mental tensions.In fact mental tensions used to haunt more than the physical constraints.Some one said that it is the health of the mind which leads to the health of the body.And that satement is absolutely true of him.

With all that still he had certain principles.One of them is to lead a life by himself,not withstanding the limitations caused by the physical disability.He has never stayed overnight in any house other than his own house in Chennai, from the time he came to lead a retired life in Chennai. Yes there was one exception, that was when he breathed his last, when his body was lying in peace at my house.The other principle that he followed was to have just a minimum money, for his needs.He would prefer to draw the requirements in one or more visits rather than drawing sufficient amount in one stretch.REASON is simple.Never over spend, beyond your means.And the best way to attain that is to have as little money as possible so that there is no temptation to go that extra long.

And now comes the reason for this post.With his principled life, he left behind some money in a savings account, a few insurance policies in his name etc.which he could have very well spent for his own little desires.Now , claim for the monies left by him is a long drawn process.

When some one is alive, we never think of the ultimate death, though we come across death every day in one way or other, in friend circle, in news media, in the relation circle and so on. Still we never think of its intensity and its after math.

Procedure for claim for the monies left , started with a visit to the near by Village panchayat office.They said that references and witnesses of a dozen people to be obtained on the forms given by them. This was done. Then they say that to process the papers the consent of thashildar to be obtained. This was done. then they give fresh forms and seek respectable persons sign them as further witnesses. This was done.Now they ask you to prove that you are the brother of the deceased as the death certificate do not contain a connotation to the effect that you tow were brothers.waht is the alternative?? BRING THE BIRTH CERTIFICATES TO ENSURE THAT FATHER OF BOTH IS ONE AND THE SAME.From Death to Birth!!


Better that we spend the hard earned money rathe rthan going in circles to prove that you are born to the same father..Cudos to our systems!!


1 comment:

  1. This is ridiculous pa! I thought everything was done and finalised with the last visit. Genuine cases always get strangled by bureaucratic trash and the cheats go scot-free! damn it!
