
Saturday, January 4, 2014

bye bye 2013 , welcome 2014

Good bye to 2013 and welcome to 2014

The only thing which is constant in this ever changing world is the “Change” in itself. It is the ease and adaptability with which one is able to acclimatize to this change, which determines the quotient of harmony within.The advent of every new year is the classic example of Change as Constant factor.

As we are already in the mid way of the first week of new year 2014.,, I thought of capturing certain important events/moments during 2013 , and the post is dedicated to my friend V who happened to enquire me as to why no posts in recent past. The fact that V is a reader of my blog is initself a pleasant surprise and that V continues to be a regular reader adds to the surprise element.

Now the curtain riser:

Places visited during 2013:

I love to travel and I had the occasion to visit many places in 2013.Some of the important visits are to the following places:

Hongkong,Thiruppathi,Kanchipuram,Mumbai,,Delhi,Thirukkadayur,Thirunallaru, Thiruchendur and Pondichery! 

The first and last visits were memorable followed closely by the trips to Thirukkadyur and Thiruchendur.

Renewal of old acquaintances:

A friend of mine from school days and a relative of mine from child hood with whom I did not have any active contacts all most a decade now had entered in like a fresh breeze and provided a welcome relief .

Un forgettable achievements on an academic level as faculty/professional

An young PO describing me as KB(Short form of Knowledge Bomb) is the greatest compliment to me in recent years as faculty.The lectures delivered at Study circle of RBI,the T.NAGAR chapter of ICAI-SIRC and the marathon session lasting for 5 hours at a stretch to the officials of SCB in their preparations for CAIIB(THE FACT THAT IT TOOK PLACE ON A STORMY SUNDAY amidst all threats of the programme being grounded), are the other greatest satisfying moments , The fact that I was able to keep my contacts alive and help my friends in the professional firm to move upward in category from IV to I WITHIN A SPAN OF ONE YEAR of reconstitution (thanks to the confidence imposed in me by some great VIPs of IOB,UCO,IDBI and UBI) is another attainment worthy of pride..   

Persons who deserve my compliments

The untiring student pursuing his ambitions not withstanding  limitations relating to resources, food , accommodation, aloofness   etc in an alien country , racing against time and still not batting an eye lid in his pursuits for another crown in the field of his passion is the first to be applauded.

 The ever smiling home wife who had quickly grown to be a woman from a girl, doing all that is possible by her to bring harmony and peace between the different personalities all of whom are close to her and sacrificing her individual likes and tastes for the bigger harmony of all concerned and the unconditional love that she is capable of exhibiting to her loveable child is the second in the list.

All those women who handle both official chores and the house chores and still managing to say a friendly hello , a warm one at that whenever I meet them are the next in the list.V abut whom I made a mention in the beginning takes the cake.

All my friends Mr KR, Mr CNR and Ms V who richly deserved their elevations but who were not fortunate to taste the same due to bureaucratically formed  rules deserve my best appreciation for the splendid manner in which they continued to contribute at the most pressing times , despite their efforts having not been rewarded.

The single person who made me see heaven on earth

The crown grows with out any competition to  my grand son  who with his walk,talk, cries, smiles, and naughty tricks always made me to forget my worries and make the moments great and unforgettable.All this at the age of 18 months ! MAY the best be with him always!!

The best serial

The serial by name “Office” (AAPEEZ acc to my grand son) stands first simply because of one character by name Viswanathan (Country head of an IT company portrayed in the serial) and every scene that he appears turn out to be grand lessons in management and leadership styles.

The best Book

Vilimbugal , a collection of essays written by writer Sujatha (WHICH WAS PUBLISHED SOME 30 YEARS BACK ) took the lead simply because of some Visionary thoughts and messages that it contained which are becoming a reality today.

Best occasion to remember

The joy which accompanied the celebration of first anniversary of my grand son , kanagabhishekam celebration of my paternal aunt when she turned 90 ,the 90th birth day function of the noble soul from HK, 25th wedding anniversary of my cobrother and the talk delivered by my beloved step daughter Dhanushkodi ,are all best occasions to remember.

Sad departures

The death of our family doctor, death of my eldest brother in law (my wife’s cousin brother) who was more than a friend to me, the demise of my peria manni (wife of my eldestcousin) ,a symbol of paece and tranquility always ,are all sad seperations witnessed in this period.

On sports

Timely retirement of the one and only Dravid, a slightly delayed announcement of retirement by Tendulkar, the defeat of chess master Viwanathan Anand, some great cricket from Virat Kohli are all events which impressed me in the field of sports.

On Movies

Kumki (Vikram prbhu and Laxmi menon) and “NADUVULA KONGAM PAKKATHTHAI KANOM “(Vijay sethupathy) stood apart from the rest.Refreshingly different stories and some controlled acting added to the value of the movies.

On relationship

Great moments of friendship with Mr R ON DAY TO DAY BASIS and moments of togetherness with all those whom I met randomly (but who are always prepared to extend the helping hands in time –spl reference to all at HK and quite a few in India)and undying /bubbling moments of day to day fights reconciliation, sharing, laughter and harmony with my wife are the points to score in this one year,

Prayers for 2014

I BELIEVE IN SARANAGATHI, I.E total surrender to GOD.I ALSO BELIEVE that my efforts should go along side. And I have the required patience to wait and understand that we should give some time to TIME so that things go as per expectations.I am sure the year 2014 will be an year of fresh outlook. An year of fulfillment. An year of answer to prayers and an Year of Reunion.An year of Harmony.An year in which GOD knows what to give and when to give and how to reward.When some thing is delayed it does not mean it is ever denied.MAY BE A BETTER OCCASION is in the offing!
I sign off with content
sampath kumar k.s

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